Tag Archives: lifestyle


Photos from Ann Back Blog

They say people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones but you could skip stones on the lake without leaving your bed if you lived here. And look at that nifty tool shed attached to one end of it—I’m drooling over the uber-organizational skills of the owner. Sigh. Where did I find such loveliness? At the Ann Back Blog. Ann is a designer and has gorgeous cushions on her blog and lots of design inspiration for Creativity & Future Projects. Check it out while I go back to bed. . .

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Filed under Architecture, Creativity & Future Projects, Design, Feng Shui, Getting Organized, Interior Design, Plants & Outdoors


Photo of paints by merr merr

Feng Shui By Fishgirl just found out about Squam Art Workshops on Squam Lake in New Hampshire. Why didn’t they have camps like this when I was growing up in NH? Oh well, they do now and that’s all that counts! “Creativity as a way of life” is Squam’s motto. According to their website, “Each day has a variety of classes to choose from such as: painting, mixed media, drawing, writing, photography, cooking, food styling, yoga, knitting, embroidery, sewing, sculpture, jewelry making, journaling, and screenprinting. There are always optional evening events and each retreat has its own unique extras. For instance, both the Spring and Fall sessions have a marvelous Art Fair on the last night, squam by the sea has bonfires on the beach and SquamItalia! will have excursions to olive groves, open-air markets and wild dinner parties under the stars.”

Photo by Emily Proudfoot

Almost sounds like Etsy on steroids (which to some of us is a good thing)! And all of the classes take place on one of NH’s most pristine lakes, only about 40 minutes drive from where I was born. Some of the classes are already filling up and there is an “early bird special” for those that register before January 31st. You’ll not only be taking art classes and enjoying nature, you’ll also be supporting 1% for the planet. Where do I sign up? Click here for Spring 2012 registration.

Photo by Christine Chitnis


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Filed under ART, Creativity & Future Projects, Design, Fashion, Feng Shui, Fun, gifts, Self Help, Travel, Wisdom & Knowledge


If you’re an artist or creative entrepreneur, you may have heard of towns across America giving homestead tax incentives to artists to come gentrify neglected neighborhoods. Paducah,Kentucky famously revived itself into such a town. And with cities such as Detroit crumbling, other cities are following suit and welcoming artists with open arms to turn their urban feng shui around. Syracuse, New York is offering fixer-uppers to qualified artist buyers for $1. Read more here:  Welcome to the SALT District « SALT District.

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Filed under Architecture, ART, Career, Creativity & Future Projects, Design, Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Fun, Interior Design, Self Help






Photo from Apartment Therapy, Click link for more

I get so excited when I see  (a) Creative Thinking (b) clean crisp colors (c) uncluttered living spaces (d) repurposed/recycled that doesn’t look like crap (e) innovative design ideas. This post —Palettes In The Home | Apartment Therapy DC.–has all of the above. The kitchen table pictured here is made from moving palettes! There’s more photos of other palette creations such as platform beds on wheels at the link. Go see and report back to Feng Shui By Fishgirl if you like or don’t like. And by the way, Apartment Therapy is one terrific source of interior design inspiration, don’tcha think?

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Filed under Creativity & Future Projects, Design, Feng Shui, Fun, Interior Design, Uncategorized


Got odors? You need to get rid of ’em to have good feng shui. If you’ve recently done some interior painting and the chemical smell is driving you crazy, don’t despair. Set up open bowls of coffee beans around the room and within a few days all of the paint smell will be absorbed into the beans. Be sure to discard the beans after this process.

Click here for more natural solutions to removing odors at Apartment Therapy. And if you have any of your own favorite solutions, please share your comments!

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Filed under Feng Shui, Health & Fitness


1) Take an inventory of where you have clutter in your life. Examine your immediate work space, your home space, your car, your friendships. Assess the size of the clean up job and schedule time to handle it accordingly.

2) Start with baby steps. Remember, dealing with clutter is often overwhelming because it brings up painful emotions related to our psychological attachment to the clutter. If you’ve got clutter all over your home or office, start with one small area and clean that up first.

3) Pace yourself so that you don’t get burned out on letting go. Set small goals of one file at a time. Set a time goal of one to two hours per day to clear up the clutter until you’ve got it under control. Thereafter, you should be able to manage it with less than ten to fifteen minutes per day.

4) Fade away. If you’ve got a group of friends that are a negative influence on your life, remove yourself gradually from the group by seeing them less and less over a period of time. Surround yourself with positive people and experiences. Often the people we’ve outgrown will just naturally drop out of our lives once we’ve claimed our authentic selves.

5) Reward yourself for embracing your clutter-free self and removing the blocks to your success. Get a manicure, go to a movie, buy yourself a lottery ticket!

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Filed under Feng Shui, Getting Organized, Self Help


Flowers add Feng Shui By Fishgirl energy to any setting. Feeling down? Plop a colorful bouquet on your desk and watch your mood rise! Want to add a festive touch to your dinner party? Flowers in the center of the table create instant party panache. Outside, a “deadzone” can instantly be activated by hanging plants or potted flowers. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. Wildflowers from your yard in a bud vase work just as well.

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Filed under Feng Shui, Interior Design, Qi

FULL HOUSE…the opposite of minimal but still good feng shui.


Here’s an example of “organized clutter”. The room is filled to the brim but the feng shui is still very good. There is great natural light, room to breathe, a good mix of elements, the room holds the owner’s textile collection, the colors used are vibrant and warm, the view to the park brings the outdoors in…all in all, a successful eclecticism that works. Message? You don’t have to be a “neat freak” to have good feng shui. Nor do you have to “follow rules” set down by home furnishings magazines. What you do need to bring on is your own personality and sense of adventure applied with some common sense. Let your room tell you what it wants!


Filed under Design, Feng Shui Home, Getting Organized, Interior Design


With all the thank you notes I send out (part of good feng shui practice), I am constantly on the lookout for uniquely wonderful stationary and notecards.

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Filed under Creativity & Future Projects, Design, Feng Shui, Fun