Monthly Archives: August 2010


A new lighting design from Artecnica, Inc.

It’s always good feng shui when intentions are set for doing something beneficial for the environment as well as beautifying a space. But when the design is also evocative of a lucky lotus flower, well, this leaves me breathless! Check out the reflection on the ceiling…a soft rosy pink glow that would be perfect in any room’s Love & Relationship area or even the Wisdom & Knowledge area. Hell, ANY area of the home would look dynamite with this design! (No, I’m not getting paid to say this, either!) Artecnica is a company that believes in “Design with a Conscience”. To that end, they offer lighting that uses sustainable recycled materials. This new lotus lamp was shown at the New York International Gift Fair and I first spied it at my favorite home design blog Apartment Therapy.


Filed under Design, Feng Shui, Interior Design


Good feng shui is about bringing balance and harmony to our living and
working spaces. When ch’i (energy) is in positive alignment, we feel
more relaxed. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is based on
many common sense principles. For example, we don’t usually feel
comfortable working with our backs to a door because it leaves us
vulnerable to being startled by people sneaking up on us. One feng shui
solution for this is to place a mirror so we always know who is entering
the room behind us.

Remove the clutter, remove the stress. The easiest feng shui tip to
begin now is to get organized. At work, keeping your personal space
tidy and clean will keep you feeling on top of your game, and, make it
easier for you to resume your projects when you return to work each
day. Likewise, a well-kept locker allows you to get your gear quickly and get
home faster when your shift is over. Once you’re home, if you’ve kept
your space clutter free there, too, you’ll find more time to unwind.

Negative vibes. Get rid of dead plants and flowers, stale food, broken
clocks or other faulty equipment (have it repaired or replaced), old
files that are no longer needed, pens and markers that are dried up,
etc. When things are in good working order, people feel happy at work.

Feed your soul. Bring a touch of beauty to your life to inspire your
spirit. Bring a bud vase to your desk and keep a fresh cut red rose or
other favorite flower in it. Tape a piece of art or a favorite photo or motivational poem to the inside door of your locker.

Under cover. Boring career clothing got you down? Nobody needs to know what you
got going on underneath ‘em, do they?! Guys: get those hot red boxer
shorts. Girls: lavish yourself with lace and satin. Knowing you’re
looking your sexy best can give you a real energy boost (not to mention
a secret smile) all day long.

Treat yourself. Find time to get your hair and nails done. Treat
yourself to a professional massage every now and then. Read a novel,
shoot hoops, spend time doing something just for you at least 20 minutes
per day.

Treating yourself well is good feng shui!

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Filed under Family & Health, Feng Shui, Feng Shui Office, Health & Fitness, Self Help, Uncategorized


We live in an Information Age where speed is everything. We rely on technology to get things done faster so we can take on a larger workload. Multi-tasking is the only way we can get done everything on our “to-do” lists. The more we do, the more there seems to be done.

Companies are requiring longer hours from American workers. It’s been documented by the United Nations’ International Labor Organization that American workers are putting in more hours than anyone else in the industrialized world. The ILO study found that while American workers are putting in roughly 100 to 500 more hours annually than any of our counterparts around the globe, our efficiency levels were not keeping pace with these longer hours. In short: just because we’re busier than ever doesn’t mean we’re doing a better job. And with so many unemployed, the pressure to work overtime is enormous.

More American workers are also opting out of taking their paid vacation leave. The reasons for this are fear of not being to keep up with the increasing workloads, more stress traveling nowadays (gas prices as well as airport security hassles), and, fear of losing a job while away for more than a few days at a time. More than any other nation’s labor force, we also tend to believe our self worth and identity is firmly entwined with what we do for a living and how hard we work at it.

It’s no wonder that more American professionals are facing worker burn out. Turnover rates in some industries, like health care, are higher than they’ve ever been. For the first time in a couple of decades, young people entering the work force are stating in polls that they are more interested in a job that fulfills them than a job that pays the most money. Quality of life is attracting—and keeping—more employees at progressive companies that offer flexible lifestyle benefits in addition to the standard health and retirement packages.

Whether you’re already in a job and actively searching for a better one, or, you’re fresh out of school looking for your first gig, chances are the process of searching for a job is adding some stress to your life and shortening your “me” time. Let’s face it, in today’s competitive world, looking for a job is a full time job in and of itself.

Pacing yourself will keep you from burning out while you’re looking for –and after you’ve landed—that new job. Set realistic goals for your day and remember to fit in some personal relaxation time. Many great ideas come to us while we’re doing things unrelated to work. For example, Einstein was famous for taking naps and the solution to his Theory of Relativity came to him while he was dreaming. We may not all be geniuses, but, we just might discover the solution to our own career problems while we are focused on taking a hike instead. Slowing down and making yourself a priority is not being lazy: it’s a step towards being a successful, grounded, and productive professional. Learning how to set healthy boundaries is key.


1) Put yourself at the top of your own to-do list. If you are constantly expending
energy and not adding any fuel to your tank, sooner or later you’ll run out of
gas. You’ll have nothing to give to your significant other or your children and
you’ll certainly have nothing to give to your career. Taking care of YOU is your
top priority!

2) Saying “no” to others is saying “yes” to yourself. What does saying no
mean? Don’t always be available to take on the tough assignments or work overtime on the holidays. Don’t automatically reach for the doughnuts just because someone brought them in to work and you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Don’t come into work when you have a contagious cold that others will catch. Caring for yourself, you will have more to give to others.

3) Protect your ch’i (energy). Don’t take on other people’s negativity. People tend to dump their problems and vent their worries on others who allow them to do it. We end up feeling drained while they walk away feeling lighter for unburdening their load on us. Spreading harmful gossip is another energy zapper. Focus on work and taking care of yourself and avoid all energy vampires.

4) Turn on your answering machine. There, I said it. I give you permission to not answer your phone. Whether at work or at home, you have the power to slow down your responses. You might want to let people know–or not–that during the hours of this and that you are not available. Think of how much easier to get your work done if you have a solid chunk of uninterrupted time? You’ll sleep better at home if you stop accepting phone calls from friends or colleagues at least two hours before your bedtime.

4) Leave work at work. It’s a good idea to decompress from the stress at work
before you begin interacting with your family and friends. Develop some little routine that becomes your own individual “ritual” to help you make the transition from work life to personal life. Your ritual will be your own. The most important thing is to allow yourself at least 20 to 30 minutes at the end of work to let go of the corporate dramas and get your mind back in touch with your life and what’s important to you. After all, you’re not only a professional. You’re a member of a family,and, you have other interests besides what you do for a living. Don’t you?


Filed under Career, Family & Health, Feng Shui, Feng Shui Office, Health & Fitness, Self Help


This is an actual pack rat...of the animal kind!

What if you’re a feng shui fanatic and you end up with Mrs. or Mr. Packrat? There’s truth to the cliche that opposites attract. You have no choice over whom you fall in love with (and in the honeymoon phase we tend to overlook a lot!). But if your guy or gal is a collector chances are they have difficulty letting go of anything. Can anyone tell me what that leads to? NOoooo, the answer is not divorce. The answer is: clutter. And clutter is anathema to good feng shui. What to do?

*Be gentle on yourself. That’s right: nobody’s perfect. Not even you! So just because your space isn’t perfectly clutter-free all the time doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Remember that feng shui is fluid and there’s always room for improvement. Lighten up on yourself AND your partner.

*Choose your battles. This means don’t ask your partner to change everything about themselves all at once. Start by eliminating some of the clutter in small baby steps. IE: you can agree to toss out old magazines and newspapers after a set period of time.

*Organize the collections. If you’re partner is a serious collector, encourage her to keep her collection organized. If the collection is taking over the home, ask her to display only part of the collection at a time and store the rest. Rotate the collection much like an art museum would do. This should keep your partner happy and give you and your ch’i (energy) some breathing room.

*Letting go is easy. Want your partner to let go of his clutter? Try letting go of your attachment to his letting go of his clutter. In other words, let go of nagging him to do it. Instead, focus on cleaning and clearing your shared space. You’ll be surprised how this often inspires others to want to keep their space clean, too.

*Introduce your partner to feng shui slowly. Try adding one tip at a time to your household. Keep track of your results and share them with your partner.


Filed under Family & Health, Feng Shui, Feng Shui Home, Getting Organized, Love & Relationship