Monthly Archives: April 2015

ginger snap

going to goa

The first “nice thing” I ever bought myself was a ceramic ginger jar in Hong Kong from the official Chinese Arts and Crafts store when I was 22 years old and had been working as a fashion designer all of 2 years. “Guaranteed to be at least 100 years old” the label said. I don’t know if it was or not but today its life ended. This morning the shelf it was on with some heavy art books gave way and my ginger jar fell off and splintered shards everywhere.

I’m not upset. I enjoyed it for a good long time. It got me thinking, though.  I thought I was living with the past but if I’m really honest with myself I am still living in the past. There is a difference. Today I will set the intention to let go more of yesterday, let in more of today. Action follows…

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If you are fortunate enough to have outdoor space–whether it’s a small balcony, patio, or larger yard–it’s good to know that you can improve your ch’i (energy) by organizing and beautifying the exterior of your home. Often while concentrating on the inside of our home spaces we neglect to tend to the outside. Where to begin?


Take baby steps.

1) Begin with general maintenance and clean up. Rake up those leaves. Pick up those sticks. Organize and clean any objects that may be stored outside such as trash toters, garden tools, flower pots, barbecues, outdoor furniture.

2) Study the outdoor space and come up with a plan for improvement.

3) You can create a small potted garden or a wall garden or a windowbox or simply hang a planted basket. Take a moment to notice if your spirits feel brighter from just one simple addition of color or greenery.

4) If your budget allows, get your landscaping done by a professional.


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