Monthly Archives: November 2015

shriner’s club

This post deals with the ultimate clutter busting: allowing yourself to let go of ‘shrines’ created in memory of loved ones, thus freeing yourself from reminders of your grief. Be gentle with yourself. Do it in your own time. In my case, it is over 2 years since my beloved died. I am ready to pare down the memories so I can move on. Baby steps…Please feel free to leave your own stories of letting go of grief in the comments below.

going to goa

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The first thing your eye is drawn to as you walk into my home in North Carolina is this homage to Scott. It’s got everything from post cards to pics to paintings to ping pong balls tucked into a pretty metal frame. The next thing you notice is this large grafitti style painting. It was signed by most if not all of Scott’s colleagues from the furniture industry when they came to our goodbye party 3 years ago.

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Walk into the kitchen and you’re confronted with the refrigerator. Laden with food and with mementos of Scott & Katy.

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Wait! There’s more. As you wander down the hall you pass these two chiaroscuro pieces of art created by my friend Isabelle Bryer. The bear represents Scott and the mermaid and angel represent me. How fitting that this couple is depicted without color any more. I had not thought of that…

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