
There is much confusion today with many of the patriarchal old paradigms shifting to make way for a new way of doing things, an inclusive way, a better way. Now is a perfect time to examine the environments we live and work in. Feng Shui By Fishgirl consults on homes, galleries, offices, retail spaces, wholesale showrooms, night clubs, etc and works with homeowners, renters, builders and architects to bring harmony to existing or planned spaces. Feng Shui By Fishgirl uses ancient wisdom applied with modern solutions to bring balance and harmony to your space. I promise never to make your space look like a Chinese restaurant–unless your space IS a Chinese restaurant!

You do not have to live in the same city as I do to benefit from my services. Feng Shui By Fishgirl has successfully advised people around the globe via Long Distance feng shui evaluations of floorplan sketches, photos, videos of personal and commercial spaces already in existence, or tweaking architectural plans before construction begins. Click here for tips on How to Choose a Feng Shui Consultant–whether you decide on Feng Shui By Fishgirl or someone else!

LONG DISTANCE OFF SITE EVALUATIONS: With detailed information provided by the client, we can analyze feng shui and offer you solutions. Please inquire about rates. A modest sized studio or 1 bedroom apartment can be analyzed for $180, to give you an example of my affordability. Click here for actual client review on the usefulness of my service. References are always available on request.

ON SITE CONSULTATIONS: (First Class Consult) In-depth feng shui analysis includes on site inspection, recomendations/solutions, mulit-paged detailed written report for client’s reference, hand drawn bagua map overlay of space, complimentary space clearing smudge. Rates dependent on size of space. (Economy Class Consult includes on site inspection, verbal recommendations/solutions).

SPACE CLEARING: This is the removal of negative energetic residue that builds up over time. Space clearing may be necessary to clear away negative energy from a property’s past history or simply to clear the air after an argument. Fishgirl’s preferred method of clearing utilizes the burning of a sage “smudgestick” made especially for her by a Native American shaman. Other methods sometimes employ sound cures and special feng shui blessings. What constitutes negative energy? Some heavier examples would be a murder or suicide having happened in your home before you bought it, a house that was once used as a mortuary, a property that includes a burial ground, for example.

DESIGN & COLOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Filling the gap between client and interior designer, Fishgirl can help you make decisions selecting paint colors, furniture, and accessory purchases before you remodel.

REAL ESTATE EVALUATION: Protect your investment. Call Fishgirl to assess properties before you buy them and enhance properties before you put them up for sale.

TUNE-UPS & SECOND OPINIONS: Feng shui is a fluid practice. Your environment and your personal goals are constantly changing. From time to time you may want to schedule a mini Feng Shui By Fishgirl Tune-up to assess new purchases, additions, or improvements you’ve made to your space since your consultation. Fishgirl has also been called in many times by clients who hired other consultants and were not happy with the results.

FENG SHUI BY FISHGIRL ENCOURAGES COLLABORATION WITH DESIGNERS, DEVLOPERS, ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS: Whether brought in from the beginning of your project or called in to work with you on existing plans, complete your mission by improving peace and harmony of your project’s feng shui. All inquiries welcome.

ASSISTING REALTORS WITH SALES & RENTAL PROPERTIES: We apply feng shui solutions to problem properties to achieve sales results.

MEDIA DESIGN SERVICES: Evaluating elements of color, design, symbols, and placement in your personal or corporate media to align them with auspicious feng shui principles. Websites, business cards, resumes, letterheads, corporate logos are reviewed and solutions suggested for optimum success.

FENG SHUI BY FISHGIRL WORKSHOPS: Katy Allgeyer is available to lead feng shui workshops in your city.

FENG SHUI BY FISHGIRL WRITTEN CONTENT: Katy Allgeyer has published many articles about feng shui and is open to opportunities for freelance writing, syndicated columns, etc. Please contact

TV & RADIO APPEARANCES: Katy Allgeyer has appeared on the Beth Lapides radio show, a feng shui special on the G4 gaming channel, and in the Wall St. Journal. Media should contact Katy at

LICENSING & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Katy Allgeyer has been formally trained in art, fashion design, merchandising, and product development in addition to feng shui. All serious proposals for licensing the Feng Shui By Fishgirl brand will be considered.

ART RUGS & WALL ART BY KATY ALLGEYER: Katy Allgeyer designs rugs that are inspired by her art and natural surroundings, always with feng shui in mind. See more of her paintings, rugs, and gift products at : Custom made rugs to order and commissioned paintings of any size can be arranged.

FENG SHUI BY FISHGIRL SMUDGESTICKS: Containing several herbs in addition to sage, these generous 10″ long smudgers last a long time and make excellent gifts. Made in northern California for Fishgirl by a Native American shaman, the herbs are gathered under the full moon each month for extra potency. $25 includes s & h to most US locations. Please inquire.

LOVE POWER HEARTS: Katy Allgeyer created these unique feng shui paintings for a fine art installation called “WALL OF LOVE: The Art of Feng Shui” that was exhibited in Los Angeles and Berlin, Germany. Included in the Kunstkreuz “Love & Peace” Festival in 2003, the 99 individually handpainted canvases were infused with powerful intentions for love, peace, and harmony to activate the ch’i (energy) of the feng shui location where they are hung in your home or office. Although the original installation has sold out, these Love Power Hearts are still available on demand and make great gifts for weddings, baby showers, Mother’s Day and birthdays. $99 + s & h. Inquire.

INTENTIONAL SUCCESS CEREMONY: Exclusive self-empowering ceremony designed and developed by Fishgirl to create and set intentions for reaching your highest potential. Clears the mental clutter that can impede you from achieving your goals, helps you to focus on the changes you want to make and the opportunities you wish to attract.

INTUITIVE COUNSELING: As a shamanic dreamer and healing practitioner, I have developed my intuitive skills to a very high level. Once in awhile, I take on a client for an intuitive reading if called on to do so. If your intuition leads you to me, contact me and we’ll go from there.

GIFT CERTIFICATES: Give your loved one, boss, employee, client, agent, or friend a Feng Shui By Fishgirl Gift Certificate suitable for any occasion. Can be used towards services or art or products.

Contact:   or 323.309.1164( from June-October I am in Maine and my cell phone doesn’t work well here. You can reach me at 207.367.6369 or leave message on my cell and don’t expect an answer immediately 🙂 )

Here’s what someone recently had to say about Feng Shui By Fishgirl’s off-site consultations:

I had always been very curious about Feng Shui, and had decided that when we bought our own home, I would have a professional assess the layout and flow. When we finally became homeowners a few months ago, I had a terrible time trying to find someone who had enough experience to earn my trust, and most of the consultants used a lot of traditional cures that would not work with our home without seeming very obvious. I serendipitously found Katy’s blog one day, and was hooked- she seemed to go to the core of the philosophy, using and understanding what flow truly was, and explained everything in such a wonderful way that it would not alienate a layman. I contacted her for a consultation, but since I was not in her local area, we decided to go for a long-distance consultation. I was a little hesitant at first, because I thought that being IN the home would be important to get a sense of the energy, but she put all my fears to rest. After receiving some materials from me, she promptly (really, within 2-3 days) send back a written report, with notes on our floor plan. The written report was VERY comprehensive, and I saw that she really “got” the space. Her recommendations were not just “cures”, but aesthetically improved our space, and just made it feel right. The changes we have begun to make have certainly given us results- let me elaborate on one particular case. My husband and I both work for a non-profit company. I work part time, and he is a more senior level employee. In this economy, I received a 15% raise after making changes to our wealth area. My husband also received an unexpected raise AND bonus!
Katy is a wonderful person and a thorough professional. She has always answered my questions promptly, and without any reservations. She is truly amazing and I cannot recommend her services highly enough.
-SK, Texas