JINGLE BELLS (Feng Shui Sound Cures)

It’s the holiday season and many of us will be spending a lot of time shopping. Most retail shops have sound alert systems in place to let the shopkeeper know of any customers entering the store. This way they can guard the cash register and merchandise, and be of service to the client so that a sales opportunity won’t be missed. All of that seems like just good common sense, right? It may surprise you to know that having jingling bells or some other form of noise at the entry to your space is also good feng shui.
Picture 73

Awareness of who is entering our immediate work/living zone improves our feng shui., Whether you work in a cubicle with your back to the door or are a mechanic under a car, being surprised by your boss sneaking up on you could ruin your mo-jo! We feel uneasy and subconsciously very vulnerable if we do not have control of our space. The optimum feng shui solution is to have a clear view of the entryway from our “Command Position”. However, that isn’t always possible and often the only way the furniture works is to be placed with our backs to the door. If this is the case, the next best thing is to place a mirror so that we can see who is behind us.

The other next best thing is to have some sound device attached to the door so that we hear it when it opens. For instance, you might want to hang some bells from the door. Or you might put a windchime in the doorway that encourages people to touch it and make it sing when they enter your space. Where there is no door, a bead curtain might be appropriate; the beads make a pleasant jingling sound and also soften the chi energy.

People love the tinkling sound of bells. Apparently, so does good chi. And as we all know from watching the classic Christmas movie “Its a Wonderful Life”, every time a bell rings and angel gets his wings. Here’s wishing you and your family a chi-ful holiday season!

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Filed under Command Position, Feng Shui Home, Feng Shui Office, Mouth of Chi (doors)

One response to “JINGLE BELLS (Feng Shui Sound Cures)

  1. margotmarrakesh

    What a clever idea. I have some jingle bells in my sewing kit, but they’ve sat there for years, without my having any ideas what to do with them.

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