Snake massage (photo courtesy TMZ)

Snake massage (photo courtesy TMZ)

Change takes us out of our comfort zone. Making big changes definitely shifts your ch’i (energy) and stimulates growth of mind
and spirit.
Here’s an example of how we can sometimes be resistant to change. For years I have had oily skin prone to breakouts and shine. To counteract this condition, I was accustomed to wearing face powder. Since it has been part of my makeup preparation for thirty years, I didn’t think twice about it. Moving in with a partner who is allergic to powders, potions, fragrance, and the like, I was faced (pardon the pun) with causing him discomfort, or, changing my routine.
Women will be able to relate to how difficult this decision was for me. Makeup is our “war paint”, the armor we put on to face the world, putting our ‘best face  forward’, and, in a sense, hiding behind a mask. Although I am not one to wear heavy makeup, I did rely on powder to reduce the shininess of my nose. Since it bothered my partner so much, I finally took the plunge and stopped wearing face powder. Guess what? My skin was no longer shiny. Probably hadn’t been for years since I am now nearer to 50 than to 15. My skin had changed without my notice. In fact, I looked even better without face powder! This small change made me stop and consider how we tend to get stuck in patterns of our own choosing. Ask yourself what “security blankets” you are holding onto that may be holding you back from making positive changes in your life? What changes could I make that would bring my ch’i into alignment with the person that I am now (instead of holding on to the person I once was)?
Will I be ready to try the snake massage pictured here? NO WAY! 🙂

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